Author: admin

Hello – Denim and Pearls 187

Hello – Denim and Pearls 187 It’s something we say everday. How do you say hello? Don’t just treat this greeting as a nonchalant word. Take advantage of that moment to show you really do care. It will go a long way toward building those relationships. #denimandpearlslive #podcast #hello #michellemras #brianswanson #worklifebalance #keynote #keynotes

Paperback Writer – Denim and Pearls 186

Paperback Writer – Denim and Pearls 186 We cover the first novels we ever read and how much of an influence they were to us. What are your favorite novels? What impact do they have on you? Find some key books that we read, both for business and life. #reading #denimandpearlslive #michellemras #brianswanson #colorado #podcast […]