
Like A Rock 207

Like A Rock – Denim and Pearls 207What we set in motion stays in motion. But if you make your body become a rock, it likes to stay in place. You can’t climb a mountain if you’re a rock.#podcast#denimandpearlslive#likearock#michellemras#brianswanson#keynote#coloradosprings

Ooh La La 206

Ooh La La 206

We wish we knew then what we know now. Along the way we learn things. Our experiences make us who we are. But what if we had our knowledge and experience as we were growing up. Where would we be?

#podcast #denimandpearlslive #keynote #oohlala #michellemras #brianswanson

Let It Be 205

Let It Be 205

Sometimes we just have to let it happen. It’s helps with those minor pieces of stress and the outcome can work in your favor.

#DenimAndPearlsLive #podcast #letitbe #denimandpearls #keynote #michellemras #brianswanson

Feeling Good 201

Feeling Good 201
The last of the year! Was your year the way you envisioned it? It’s time to take a look at the new year in just a few days. Are you ready for it?

#denimandpearlslive #podcast #feelinggood #keynotes #coloradosprings #newyear

Take It Easy 202

Procrastination 204

Procrastination 204

We’ll tell you about it later. Procrastination can work to your advantage or be your down fall. Don’t mix up procrastination and patience.

#denimandpearlslive #procrastination #patience #michellemras #brianswanson #podcast #videopodcast #keynote

We Are Family – Denim and Pearls 200

We Are Family – Denim and Pearls 200

Celebrating episode 200 with Special Guest
Speaker Erik Swanson  (MrAwesome). We cover a number of topics to included family, partnership, success and what is your favorite word.

#wearefamily #denimandpearlslive #podcast #partnership #family #business #smallbusiness #200

1999 – Denim and Pearls 199

1999 – Denim and Pearls 199
Is it a party or is it an attitude? This is show 199 for us. We are on the brink of 200, which will have a couple special treats.

#denimandpearlsllive #podcast #michellemras #brianswanson #1999 #colorado #worklifebalance

Layers – Denim and Pearls 198

Layers – Denim and Pearls 198
We all have layers. There is so much more to us than what we show to everyone. It’s our talents, our knowledge, our drive, and our motivations. The is so much more than most people think.
#layers #denimandpearlslive #keynote #speakers #motivation

Fantasy – Denim and Pearls 196

Fantasy – Denim and Pearls 196

Life can be nothing but a fantasy. Some things can make your dreams come true. Today we talk about Natso Mini-Con in Colorado Springs, CO.

#NatsoMiniCon #podcast #keynote #michellemras #brianswanson #denimandpearlslive

You Spin Me Round – Denim and Pearls 188

You Spin Me Round – Denim and Pearls 188

We have a major time and money sucking habit. It’s called “reinventing the wheel”. Why do we constantly build something and then rebuild it again? Sometimes, it’s because someone else told us to do it differently. Sometimes, it’s because it just isn’t done our way.

#denimandpearlslive #podcast #michellemras #brianswanson #youspinmeround #keynote #speaker #speakers

It Dont Matter To Me – Denim and Pearls 189

Sweet Emotions – Denim and Pearls 190

Sweet Emotions – Denim and Pearls 190

We talk about how we make decisions. Too many of us have a habit of choosing emotions to choose. Logic should always be a factor.

#emotions #logic #denimandpearlslive #podcast #keynote #keynotespeaker

The Logical Song – Denim and Pearls 191

The Logical Song – Denim and Pearls 191

Tell us who you are. What do you dream about? What do you sing about? And what do you cry about. We start our lives innocent and begin to question ourselves as we grow older. Those questions help us grow into the world around us, maybe.

#thelogicalsong #podcast #denimandpearlslive #michellemras #brianswanson #lifestories.

Leaving On A Jet Plane – Denim and Pearls 192

Leaving On A Jet Plane – Denim and Pearls 192

We be trippin’. 🙂 It’s been three days of planes, trains and automobiles. We’ve met some great entrepreneurs, done some awesome networking and now we are on our way home.
#podcast #denimandpearlsive #leavingonajetplane #michellemras #brianswanson #podcast #keynote