
Winter Wonderland – Denim and Pearls – 0916

Winter Wonderland – Denim and Pearls – 0916

Sleigh bells are ringing. Are you listening? What is the universe calling out for to do? Are you taking that and other advice into consideration?

#denimandpearlslive #michellemras #brianswanson #business #life

I Believe I Can Fly – Denim and Pearls 0915

I Believe I Can Fly – Denim and Pearls 0915

Hey amazing souls! Today, let’s embrace the spirit of boundless possibilities. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and repeat after me: “I believe I can fly!”

Life is an incredible journey filled with ups and downs, but in our hearts, we carry the power to soar above challenges. Whether it’s conquering a personal goal, overcoming a hurdle, or simply spreading your wings of kindness, today is the day to remind yourself: YOU are capable of amazing things.

Happy Birthday – Denim and Pearls – 0914

Happy Birthday – Denim and Pearls – 0914

As we get older things in our life change. Some things for the better, some things for the not so good. It can be as simple as the foods we eat or as wonderful as the knowledge and experiences we learn.

#denimandpearlslive #lifechanges #businessgrowth #experience

Denim and Pearls – Safety Dance – 0913

Denim and Pearls – Safety Dance – 0913

When we embark on a personal journey or pursuing one’s goals, it can mean leaving certain people or aspects of the past behind. The idea might be that sometimes, in order to achieve success or personal growth, one has to make choices that involve moving away from familiar situations or relationships.

And as an entrepreneur we where many hats. We are the accountant, the marketer, and more. But it is a mission to remove or transfer these hats to others so that we can build our businesses.

Denim and Pearls – Riding the Storm Out – 0911

Denim and Pearls – Riding the Storm Out – 0911

REO Speedwagon tells the story that most folks believe their 1980 album Hi Infidelity was their first album. However, it was their 11th album after forming in 1967. Success overnight? We don’t think so.

Success is a journey, not a destination! Remember, it doesn’t happen overnight. Every small step, every setback, and every lesson learned is a part of the process.

Embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and keep pushing forward. Your hard work and perseverance will pay off in the end.

#SuccessJourney #PersistencePaysOff #KeepPushingForward

Denim and Pearls – Thankful – 0912

Denim and Pearls – Thankful – 0912

Let’s appreciate the lessons, celebrate the victories, and continue to build a future filled with thankfulness.

#GratitudeInBusiness #ThankfulEveryday #SuccessJourney

Denim and Pearls – Blinded Me With Science – 0908

Denim and Pearls – Blinded Me With Science – 0908
Everything is changing. Technology has taken over our lives. What used to be simple is supposed to be simple, but sometimes it’s not. Technology makes things very impersonal. From grocery and retail stores to interviews.

Denim and Pearls – The Mask – 0907

Denim and Pearls – The Mask – 0907

Are you concealing your true feelings or identity, or does it relate to the popular phrase “wearing a mask” as a metaphor for presenting oneself differently to the outside world? Maybe your hiding and feeling more comfortable in your life and business.

Denim and Pearls – Superstition – 0906

Denim and Pearls – Superstition – 0906Superstition and business can have a complex relationship. While many business professionals prioritize logic and data-driven decision-making, superstitions can sometimes play a role in shaping certain business practices and beliefs. Some individuals may hold personal superstitions that influence their decision-making or behavior in the workplace.

Denim and Pearls – Friday the 13th Special with Mistress Raven – 0906b

Denim and Pearls – Friday the 13th Special with Mistress Raven – 0906b

This is going to be awesome. It’s a Friday the 13th Special live edition with Mistress Raven.

This turned into a really deep conversation about life! Come enjoy our first guest in a long time!

Denim and Pearls – Somewhere Over The Rainbow – 0904

Denim and Pearls – Somewhere Over The Rainbow – 0904

🌈🍀🌟 Searching for that Pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow! 🌟🍀🌈

Life is a beautiful journey, full of surprises and treasures waiting to be discovered. 🌟 Let’s keep our spirits high and our eyes open for those magical moments! ✨💫

Denim and Pearls – Pop Goes The Weasel – 0903

Denim and Pearls – Pop Goes The Weasel – 0903

“Expected the unexpected” is a phrase that suggests being prepared for unexpected events or surprises. It encourages people to be flexible and open-minded, anticipating that things may not always go as planned. This mindset is often associated with adaptability and resilience in the face of unforeseen circumstances.

Denim and Pearls – End Of The World As We Know It – 0902

Denim and Pearls – End Of The World As We Know It – 0902
Change is constant, and sometimes it feels like the world is shifting in ways we can’t predict. But remember, we have the power to adapt, grow, and make a positive impact. Let’s face whatever challenges come our way with resilience and hope. 💪🌟

#ChangeIsConstant #AdaptAndThrive #KeepTheHopeAlive #DenimAndPearls #MichelleMras #BrianSwanson #Keynote #Speakers #Entrepreneur #LiveLife

Denim and Pearls – Free – 0901

Denim and Pearls – Free – 0901

🍔🥗🍕 “There’s no such thing as a free lunch!” 🍔🥗🍕

We’ve all heard this saying before, and it holds some valuable wisdom. While it might not always refer to literal lunches, it’s a reminder that most things in life come with a cost or trade-off, even if it’s not immediately apparent.